Sponsor A Child

Getting Started

Why does we not give the names of Particular children to donors?

We think that the work they do restores to children what is rightfully theirs. Beneficiaries must not be made to feel obliged for the support they get. Hence, than supporting individual children, they pool the resources they raise and disburse them to the programmes they support. Every attempt is made to be positive that there is no differentiation between children. And while names of children are withheld, they encourage you to visit the projects they partner, so that you can experience the various ways to which your resources are being put.

How does We cover its own costs?

Our organisational costs comprise:
Raising donations.
Selecting, monitoring, evaluating and providing capacity building inputs to projects.
Creating public awareness.
Support activities like administration, human resources, communication, information technology and financial management.
Designing paper products such as greeting cards, stationery etc.

Are Our employees paid for their work?

The full-time employees are given regular salaries. They think that this is important to attract the professional talent they must manage our activities (and your resources) effectively. It is important to note, however,Our salaries are modest in comparison with commercial organisations.

I would like to view your Annual Report to know how you raise and disburse resources?

Yes definitely , we would love to show you our annual report , just drop us a mail at info@careindiawelfaretrust.org

Does We receive government funding?

As an NGO (non-government organization), they do not receive any direct government funding allowing us to stay independent, making unbiased evaluations of government policies and programmes. The government has also extended positive tax and duty exemptions to us, enabling us minimize costs.

We partners with third party vendors and agencies to raise funds. Tell me more.

Donations from individuals are the mainstay of our fundraising efforts. They make all attempts to enlist in this movement for kids each of the concerned individuals who come from every walk of life & every corner of the globe. To enable us do this, they send direct appeals, updates by snail mail & e-mail.

They also use other avenues like third-party provided services for face-to-face promotion & tele-calling, to reach out to individuals. Each representative / DSA (direct sales agent) from the agencies will carryover with them an identification card clearly stating that s/he is a Rapp Genesis Neurogen Charitable Trust representative along with the Our logo & office address.

Ought to you like more knowledge on Rapp Genesis Neurogen Charitable Trust or would like to confirm the identity of the representative or any specific detail in his/ her presence, contact Us then . The representatives are not authorized to collect/ ask for / accept any funds donations for Rapp Genesis Neurogen Charitable Trust Only a cheque or demand Draft in favour of Rapp Genesis Neurogen Charitable Trust You will be accepted by them In the event you have any queries that have not been addressed here or need clarification on any of the knowledge provided, do not hesitate to get in contact with us at Info@rappgenesisneurogencharitabletrust.org or rappgenesis@gmail.com

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